Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

Wasatch Environmental Update: Snow!

“Snow?  Yes, and more Snow!”


RadioActive with The Bee: Stories of Hope

RadioActive turns things over to The Bee and its beekeeper Giuliana Serena for stories of hope this holiday season. Listen as she shares stories recorded on The Bee's stage over the last year. Before the hour is up, you'll find reasons to be hopeful for 2016, including details about a mashup in the works with The Bee, the Utah Opera, and local musicians and animators. Enjoy!


RadioActive: Solstice Power

The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year. RadioActive host Nick Burns talks about the promise of a new year and longer days with Greta Belanger DeJong, publisher and editor of Catalyst Magazine, and Giuliana Serena, a ceremonialist and rights-of-passage facilitator ( and Beekeeper at The Bee:


RadioActive: Starting Up a Culinary Incubator Kitchen in SLC

Do you have family recipes that everyone says you should sell at a Farmers Market? Have you thought of starting up a food truck business? A new year will bring the arrival of the Culinary Incubator Kitchen from Square Kitchen and SLC Green. Nick Burns gets details from Square Kitchen’s Analia Valdemoros and Bridget Stuchly, Sustainability Programs Manager, SLCGreen: