Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah.
Why does sexual assault cost Utah $4.8 billion annually? With that question, Community Organizer Billy Palmer made his debut as a Co-Host of KRCL's RadioActive tonight.
READ MOREPolitics, Child Rescue, business with a cause, entrepreneur-in-residence, a home for Square Kitchen, plus music from Marvin Gaye, Cat Stevens and Cab Calloway were on the show tonight.
READ MOREThe show started with the RadioActive Report, news and events in the community for the local and global community builder. Guests included Kate Kelly of Planned Parenthood and Giuliana Serena of The Bee SLC with details on the Roe v. Wade anniversary party planned later this week, plus KRCL's own Amy Dwyer on environmental news and events of note:
READ MOREOn RadioActive's return to 6 p.m. weeknights, "The Radical Middle" talked about police/justice reform, peace and justice, conflict resolution, Black Social Change, and an idea silo.