Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

PODCAST: The Story Well Talks with Noor Ul Hassan

Paulette Stevens and the folks at the Life Story Library Foundation dip into The Story Well to bring you a conversation with Noor Ul-Hasan, a member of the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable and the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake. In this podcast clip, Ul-Hasan talks about the name of God and similarities between the Muslim and Mormon faiths:


PODCAST: Culture Jock Talks with Endurance Cyclist Brock Cannon

Episode 20 of ‪#‎culturejock‬: Host Lance Allred talks with author and elite ultra-endurance mountain bike racer Brock Cannon, who's just released a new book, The Switchback Approach. In this podcast clip, Cannon talks about the nutrition choices he'll be making in preparation for upcoming races:


RadioActive: 43 Years of Roe v. Wade

Karrie Galloway of Planned Parenthood talks about the 43rd  anniversary of Roe v. Wade later this month, and updates you on the latest court action to fend off defunding of the health care provider by Utah Governor Gary Herbert.


WEU: Utah’s State of the Environment Report for 2015

By John Worlock, Member of Board of Directors of Save Our Canyons