Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: April 26, 2021

#PoetryStillHappens -- Utah poets react to current events and other poetic distractions. Plus, Under the Umbrella's 'queer little bookstore,' Utah Pride Center's search for a new leader and launch of Rainbow Wellness, and Clean the Darn Air rises again.


RadioACTive: April 23, 2021

#PunkRockFarmerFriday connects the ecosystem of your body to the ecosystem of Planet Earth with wellness farmer Dr. Ben Page during Aldine's #UrbanFarmReport. Plus, Etta Place Cider's Robert Marc, poets Lisa Bickmore and Anna Scotti, SkyWatcher Leo T, #3QuickPicks for Earth from Clever Octopus and fresh, homegrown music with Hear Utah Music.


RadioACTive: April 22, 2021

Happy Earth Day! Artivism4Earth, Fridays for Future Utah youth activists renew their call for action, The Active Consumer helps you 'round up' for the environment, Clever Octopus with #3QuickTips, Poet Katharine Coles, and more!


RadioACTive: April 21, 2021

It's 4-20-and-a-half! Bumped from yesterday due to breaking news, we share the original #RoundtableTuesday show on the state of cannabis in Zion with Beehive Farmacy, TRUCE and The Divine Assembly. Plus, #3QuickPicks for 4-20, Park Rx Utah's outdoor challenge for Earth Day, and new music from The Boys Ranch.