Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

PODCAST: Culture Jock Talks 'Womenpreneurs' with Liz Galloway

With a world of experience under her belt as a travel and leisure marketing/consulting expert, Liz Galloway shares what it takes to carve out a career as a "womanpreneur." #CultureJock Lance Allred talks to her about her passion for travel and the non-profits she's created to give back to local and global communities.


RadioActive Rewind: Dr. Dave's New Year

With a new year comes the opportunity to start over for individuals and communities. Dr. David Derezotes, who leads the Peace & Conflict Studies Program in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah, charts a course during this RadioActive Rewind:


RadioActive Rewind: Alliance for a Better Utah

What can be done to turn around Utah's dismal voter turnout? Find out as Nick Burns talks with Alliance for a Better Utah's Josh Kanter in this RadioActive Rewind:


RadioActive Rewind: Utah Citizens' Counsel

The Utah Citizens' Counsel has released Standing Up For Utah’s Needs 2015, a report on policy progress regarding human rights in Utah. Find out more in this RadioActive Rewind with Nick Burns: