Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: December 25, 2020

Utah Podcast Week: Huddle up! For the last show of Utah Podcast Week, RadioACTive keeps with the theme of #PunkRockFarmerFridays by sharing The Green Urban Lunch Box Virtual Community Huddle with SLC Urban Farmers. Plus, USU's Green Thumb podcast on murder hornets, and homegrown holiday music from Denney Fuller and His Elaborate Elves and Patrick Vier.


RadioACTive: December 24, 2020

Utah Podcast Week: The Uncomfortable Truth Podcast, Part 2 of "Urban Renewal, Negro Removal" with Loki Muholland and Lavaughn Brown, featuring Reverend Rene Kessler, Plus, The Civil Rights Veterans Relief Fund


RadioACTive: December 23, 2020

Utah Podcast Week: The Uncomfortable Truth Podcast, Part 2 of "Urban Renewal, Negro Removal", Plus, The Civil Rights Veterans Relief Fund with Loki Muholland and Lavaughn Brown, featuring 


RadioACTive: December 22, 2020

Utah Podcast Week: Alliance for a Better Utah's Moving Forward, featuring Kate Kendell, Co-Interim Legal Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Plus, Black Hammer and its Christmas Eve COVID vigil.