Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 04.01.22

More true tales from the agrihood with Aldine, KRCL's Punk Rock Farmer, and Lara Jones. Tune in to the #UrbanFarmReport with James Loomis of Green Phoenix Farm. The now-certified farm is growing 40,000+ starts for Wasatch Community Gardens' Spring Plant Sale. Meet B.U.G. Farms in SLC's Glendale neighborhood Skywatcher Leo T. with #ManyCulturesOneSky. Fresh, homegrown music from J-Rad Cooley.


RadioACTive 03.31.22

RadioACTive's Lara Jones talked with stylist and transgender advocate Princess Kennedy about Transgender Day of Visibility, #TDOV, including the ways she helps transgender youth find their new look. Plus a deep dive into the arts with SLC Arts Council's new exhibits and Shannon 'Badass Cross Stitch' Downey. She's on her way to Utah for a residency in April.


RadioACTive 03.30.22

Listen to Community Co-Host Nick Burns talk about pain and pleasure with Leigh Cowart, featured speaker for Friday's STEAMpunk Academy at Shade's Pub. Twenty years of Summit Land Conservancy and a new 'mountains to meadows' campaign. YWCA Policy Director Gabe Archuleta on the wins and losses of the 2022 General Session of the Utah Legislature.


RadioACTive 03.29.22

#RoundtableTuesday's Risshan Leak and Lara Jones amplify the voices of our transgender family, featuring folks ready to march and rally Thursday -- Transgender Day of Visibility -- at the Utah Capitol. Our guests tonight included Equality Utah's Olivia Jaramillo, Dallas Rivas and Lucas Horns of Project Rainbow, and RadioACTive Community Co-Host Emeritus Sue Robbins. Plus, poet Margot Apricot, who's traveling the country by bike with their dog, Spruce Springsteen.