Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 10.27.21

Gender and nature with Prof. Kilo Zamora and HawkWatch International's Nikki Wayment. Hometown Disney on Ice Skater Allison Merges adds to the RadioACTive playlist. Svetlana one Russian rib music and other childhood memories as she makes her way to the Orem Public Library for a gig next month.


RadioACTive 10.26.21

Guadalupe School needs your Halloween help, as well as adult mentors for English-language learners. First Person: ACLU Youth Activist Scholar Vishal Jammulapati. SLC Mayor Mendenhall's plan to spend $85M from the American Recovery Plan Act.


RadioACTive 10.25.21

Redistricting coming to a head! Better Boundaries wants you ready to weigh in during public input on the final maps. Common Cause has advice on what to watch for. Dr. Claudia Fruin, pediatrician and founder of the Utah Lead Coalition, on a push to test every Utah child for lead poisoning.


RadioACTive 10.22.21

#PunkRockFarmerFriday with a fresh, homegrown new single from Talia Keys to start the show. #UrbanFarmReport with Red Acre Center's Symbria Patterson. Plus, SkyWatcher Leo T, #3QuickPicks for a spooky road trip from Jeremy Pugh, and one last hurrah at the Downtown SLC Farmers Market with Alison Einerson.