Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 11.12.21

#PunkRockFarmerFriday tackles gleaning, Choose SLC at the Winter Market. Al's #UrbanFarmReport takes a trip to the Great Salt Lake with Scott Baxter. Plus, SkyWatcher Leo T, Sundance Film Festival's Local Lens, GenderEvolution, and fresh, homegrown music from No Shooting Friends Joseph.


RadioACTive 11.11.21

A Veterans Day Edition of RadioACTive, featuring Piper Down's Dave Morris. VA SLC's Jill Atwood and the Upholding Valor podcast. Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation's Vietnam Veterans Project.


RadioACTive 11.10.21

Meals for Veterans. Rally for #ThePeoplesMaps. COP26 reaction, call for Utah to lead. Meet The Utah Wild, Utah's first pro women's ultimate team.


RadioACTive 11.09.21

RadioACTive passes the mic to People's Legal Aid, a nonprofit that provides legal representation, consultations, and public education on debt collection and eviction defense in Utah. Karrie Galloway of Planned Parenthood on the next round of SCOTUS challenges to Roe v. Wade. Utah Women and Leadership Project's latest research on Utah-centric sexism through language.