Music Features

You love music. We love music. 

Leo Nocentelli of The Meters Live at KRCL

Music legend Leo Nocentelli of The Meters stopped in to KRCL to play a few songs live before his three night stand at Park City's Egyptian Theater, Thurs, Fri & Sat, May 11, 12 & 13. Details and tickets here.


Rude Awakening host Liz talks with John Doe of X

DJ Liz Schulte talks with punk icon John Doe about Music May, making music with X, his books, and his television and film career. Music May is curated by Doe and films screen Fridays and Saturdays starting May 5 at the Salt Lake Film Society's Broadway Theater.


Best of April

Wrapping up April with some of KRCL's music team's favorite new albums.


Best of March 2023

Some of our favorite releases from March, and luckily we'll get to see some of these artists play live in Salt Lake City soon!