Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: May 15, 2020

#PunkRockFarmerFriday with Quarantine Cocktails, Urban Farm Report with the Utah Farm Bureau and Farmers Feeding Utah, homegrown music from future.exboyfriend, and more!


RadioACTive: May 12, 2020

#QuarantineCocktails gets a caffeine buzz with Alpha Coffee and City Weekly, Sor Juana Prize Call for Submissions. SLC Mayor Mendenhall on SLC's 'hot zips' and the equity failures laid bare by the COVID-19 crisis. #SaveUtahBiz with Silicon Slopes. Community Roundtable with Parent-Teachers.


RadioACTive Roundtable: Parents talk about adding teacher to their daily tasks

Community Rountable, featuring parents who juggle working from home and homeschooling their children.


RadioACTive: May 11, 2020

An #EverydayPeople edition of the show with Community Co-Host Sue Robbins, featuring two Utah state lawmakers who talk about getting educated on the way legislation affects people who are transgender. You #QuarantineCocktails goes #ontherocks with City Weekly and Gracie's. Action Utah takes civic engagement virtual.