Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 07.12.23

The People's Great Salt Lake Summit, a preview. SLC's bid to Wake the Great Salt Lake. Save Our Canyons on UDOT's gondola plans. Pow wows for Pioneer Day. And the debut of a new RadioACTive series on water.


RadioACTive 07.11.23

Black and Brown children are five times more likely to drown than white children. Find out what the Black Physicians of Utah and SL Co Parks & Rec are doing about it. Redistricting lawsuit update. Utah ERA Coalition SpeakOut Speakeasy for the ERA's 100th. Meet Your Maker Spotlight with musician Young Spit, and Eat Drink SLC 2023.


RadioACTive 07.10.23

Scamalot -- how to spot the latest scams being perpetrated on Utahns. Pastor Daryell Jackson of Historic Trinity A.M.E. Plus, renowned Norse expert Dr. Jackson Crawford, who's heading to the Natural History Museum of Utah for Viking Night!


RadioACTive 07.07.23

Punk Rock Farmer Friday, with more true tales of the agrihood. Indigenous farmer Alastair Bitsoi and Amrita Honey Co. share their stories tonight. Plus, The Plot invites you to a garden fundamentals session. Skywatcher Leo T's Many Cultures One Sky report. And fresh, homegrown music from The Medicine Company and Triggers and Slips' Morgan Snow.