Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 07.24.23

Happy Pioneer Day! Meet the DJ: Valene MC, co-host of Living the Circle of Life, shares her story and a playlist to match.


RadioACTive 07.21.23

Best of the Punk Rock Farmer: Indigenous farmer Alastair Bitsoi and Amrita Honey Co. share their stories tonight. The Plot invites you to a garden fundamentals session. Skywatcher Leo T's Many Cultures One Sky report -- classic and fresh! And homegrown music from The Medicine Company and Triggers and Slips' Morgan Snow. 


RadioACTive 07.20.23

A Talanoa edition of RadioACTive: Talking story with Fijian designer Epeli Tuibeqa. Rya Tua about her experience in modeling in a world where skinny rules and Pasifika participation is very limited. And fellow model Rae Pito about her work in modeling, sustaining good mental health, and what we can do to destigmatize mental health.


RadioACTive 07.19.23

With Chris Nolan's Oppenheimer bowing this weekend, RadioACTive explores the past and present of nuclear weapons in Utah. Downwinder and playwright Mary Dickson, Inkstick reporter Taylor Barnes, Scoville Peace Fellow Barb Guy reflect on how far we've come and yet how much more there is to do. Plus, Dispatches from Moscow #2.