Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah.
November marks the start of seasonal wood burning restrictions. If you’re wondering how to stay on top of mandatory no burn days, try UtahAir. KRCL's Lara Jones brings you details in the latest edition of The R.O.I., featuring Bo Call, air monitoring manager for the Utah Department of Environmental Quality:
READ MOREElection day is considered the end of the political season by voters. But not so quick! Elections must be certified by a board of canvassers, and when a race is close, like the one for mayor in Salt Lake City, the wait for that certification can be excruciating. So KRCL's Lara Jones has just one question: What happens between election day and the meeting of the Boards of Canvassers? She spoke with Salt Lake City Recorder Cindi Mansell and Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen in this edition of Just One Question:
READ MOREThe state of Utah is 0-2 in its recent legal challenges, including marriage equality and the ongoing effort to defund Planned Parenthood—two fights that, in the end, will cost Utah taxpayers millions. KRCL Community Journalist Bill Fisher has just one question: Will it be more good money after bad as the state pursues control of public lands in Utah? For some perspective, Fisher spoke with Pat Shea, a Salt Lake attorney who served as director of the Bureau of Land Management and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management under President Clinton:
READ MOREThe R.O.I. brings you stories of people, non-profits and businesses who create a positive return on investment in the community. If that sounds like someone you know, please let us know. Send an email with details and contact information to TheROI@krcl.org.