Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

WEU: The Price of Water

The Wasatch Environmental Update with John Warlock digs into the price of water. He asks you to consider this equation: $781 per person for 50 years = the cost to residents of Washington and Kane Counties to build the Lake Powell Pipeline. But will you be asked to share the cost? Listen and consider:


The Bee: A Rekindled Love Affair

  Davey Davis, storyteller at The Bee on "attachment," Feb. 12, 2015. (Photo: Dallas Graham, photographer in residence)


Just One Question: What's the Best Way to Live with the Spiders of Utah

Halloween brings out the creepy crawlies. We're talking spiders – the long-leggedy beasties that The Bug Lady says get a bad rap. Christy Bills, entomology manager at the Natural History Museum of Utah, says spiders really aren’t as dangerous as many of us think they are. So KRCL's Lara Jones has just one question: What's the best way to live with the spiders of Utah?