Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

The ROI: Real Food Generation's Anim Steel

Anim Steel, director and founder of the Real Food Generation, is in town this week to discuss ways to bring local, sustainable, and fair food to universities nationwide by 2020. He tells KRCL's Lara Jones that students at the University of Utah are already on board:


PODCAST: Culture Jock Talks to BBall Player Turned FireFighter Nick Lewis

What's life like as a 7-foot-tall firefighter? Culture Jock Lance Allred talks to Nick Lewis, a former adversary on the court who now bats down flames for the Northshore Fire Department in San Diego, California. 


The ROI on UtahAir

November marks the start of seasonal wood burning restrictions. If you’re wondering how to stay on top of mandatory no burn days, try UtahAir. KRCL's Lara Jones brings you details in the latest edition of The R.O.I., featuring Bo Call, air monitoring manager for the Utah Department of Environmental Quality:


Just One Question: What Happens in an Election Canvass?

Election day is considered the end of the political season by voters. But not so quick! Elections must be certified by a board of canvassers, and when a race is close, like the one for mayor in Salt Lake City, the wait for that certification can be excruciating. So KRCL's Lara Jones has just one question: What happens between election day and the meeting of the Boards of Canvassers? She spoke with Salt Lake City Recorder Cindi Mansell and Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen in this edition of Just One Question: