Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: September 9, 2021

Welcoming Week, an opportunity to extend the hand of friendship to New Americans in Salt Lake. Crowdsourcing a new approach to gender and nature with the UoU's Kilo Zamora and Natalie Blanton.


RadioACTive: September 8, 2021

Latest COVID numbers. Sageland Collaborative fieldwork opportunities. Greek Fest is back. Star Trek Day with a treknologist Carl Stark of Starfleet Command's Seventh Fleet.


RadioACTive: September 7, 2021

Veteran, adventurer and filmmaker Stacy Bare reflects on Afghanistan and the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Plus, volunteers needed to pack 1 million meals for Utah kids.


RadioACTive Summer Break: September 6, 2021

A RadioACTive mashup of Labor Day and #SongsofSummer, featuring teachers and union folks sharing live on the job and their favorite songs. Plus, author Eyal Press on his new book, Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America.