A Pet vs. Pet Challenge for Good

  • September 25, 2024
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RadioACTive's community partners tonight: Angel Paws and Operation Population.

Thank you for supporting RadioACTive. Tonight, you helped us raise $1,301 for Listeners' Community Radio of Utah. Your generosity also means that Angel Paws and Operation Population will receive an equal amount of in-kind, on-air messaging to support their ongoing work to spay and neuter cats and dogs. And if you're wondering which animal was tops in our pet vs. pet competition, here you go: dogs (12), cats (8), birds (2), and raccoons (1). Plus, there were at least 5 rescues in the mix.

Still want to support RadioACTive and Angel Paws' Challenge for Good?

Donate now at this unique link: https://bit.ly/angelpawsKRCL

Your contribution will support KRCL's vital community programming and provide matching in-kind, on-air messaging for Angel Paws and Operation Population

  • Angel Paws focuses on providing medical care to homeless pets being cared for by shelters and nonprofit rescue groups. This includes preventative services such as spaying and neutering, vaccinations and wellness visits, and treatment for illness or injuries. 

  • Operation Population is a new nonprofit preparing to open to the public and provide similar services on a sliding scale. OP founder Temma Martin has been an animal advocate for nearly 30 years in Utah.

Why It Matters:

  • Double the Impact: Every dollar you give is matched with free underwriting spots.

  • Support Local Media: KRCL amplifies diverse voices and music.

  • Strengthen Our Community: Help both organizations thrive.

Guests' views, thoughts, or opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or members of  Community Radio of Utah, KRCL 90.9fm. Questions, comments or suggestions for the show? Email radioactive@krcl.org. Tonight's RadioACTive team included:

  • Guests: Temma Martin, Operation Population; Kim Gardner, Angel Paws Utah
  • Executive Producer, Host: Lara Jones
  • Volunteer Host:  Risshan Leak
  • Production Assistant: Val MC
