Mental Health on Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day

  • September 10, 2024
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Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day is today. We will hear from folks from The Sharing Place as well as Movember to talk about mental health and grieving. Plus we hear about the SafeUT app for teens in Utah, and we get an end of summer Utah snowpack report. 

Tonight's edition of RadioACTive features the following people, organizations and/or events. Check them out and get plugged into your community! 

Billy Palmer of the ACLU of Utah talks about their Let Utah Vote Campaign as election day approaches and how you can get involved. 

Jordan Clayton of the Utah Snow Survey is on to give us an end of summer Utah snowpack report as we approach winter. He aslo shared about the DWR of Utah's handy weekly watering guide so we can continute to save Utah's water. 

Outreach coordinator Diana Ballesteros Riano talks about the SafeUT App. Its a crisis chat and tip line that provides real-time crisis intervention for students, parents/guardians, and educators through live chat and a confidential tip line—right from your smartphone.

Jake Knight discusses the work of The Sharing Place, which is a Utah nonprofit that provides an environment for grieving children, teens, and their families. They use a support group model that emphasizes acknowledging any and all feelings related to grief, connection with others experiencing grief, and channeling feelings through art, play, and discussion.

  • Attend: Day of the Dead Gala & Silent Auction, October 12th, 6:00-9:00pm at the University of Utah Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumin House

Michelle Carlson, Director for Young Men’s Health in North America for Movember, discusses men's mental health and how using the 4 step ALEC conversation strategy can be a great way to check in on those who may be struggling with depression or mental illness. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or thoughts of suicide, there are many resources available to help: 

  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
    Call or text 988 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also chat with a counselor online.

Guests' views, thoughts, or opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or members of Listeners' Community Radio of Utah, KRCL 90.9fm. Questions, comments, or suggestions for the show? Email Tonight's RadioACTive team included: