Tonight RadioACTive Pop! breaks with regular programming to bring you #OliviaOnTheStreet's presidential pop quiz and folks sharing their thoughts and songs for the day and the men (ahem) who have held the office since the beginning of our democracy Constitutional Republic.
And now seems the appropriate time to remind you of the following election cycle dates this year (of course, lawmakers are still in session and debating bills that, if successful, may change the following):
June 2-9: Traditional candidate filing period
July 22: By-mail Primary Election ballots mailed to voters
August 11: Ballot postmark deadline
August 12: Municipal Primary Election Day
August 12-19: Ranked choice candidate filing period
September 8: Last day for write-in candidate to declare candidacy
October 14: By-mail General Election ballots mailed to voters
November 4: Municipal General Election Day
For more information about voting, visit KRCL's Go Vote page.
How'd you like the show? Share your thoughts, suggestions and observations by calling the RadioACTive hotline: (385) 800-1889. Or, send a voicememo to Please tell us your name and neighborhood and leave a short message that may air on the show. So, keep it clean!
Guests' views, thoughts, or opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or members of Community Radio of Utah, KRCL 90.9fm. Tonight's RadioACTive team included: