Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: April 6, 2020

RadioACTive launches #QuarantineCocktails with City Weekly and Ogden's Own. Dr. Dave on handling fear. Living the Circle of Life reports on Utah tribes and coronavirus. Hectic Hobo's Hasen Cone debuts a new song. Plus, #ShelterInPoems as Poetry STILL Happens, featuring Tacey Atsitty, Trish Hopkinson, Nancy Takacs and Joel Long.


RadioACTive: April 3, 2020

Day 5 of Stay-Home-A-Thon on RadioACTive, featuring musician Tom Bennett, herbalists Diana Law and Chris Harris, Red Acre Center call for artists, Johnny's Seeds, Dr. Dave and Mestizo Coffeehouse


RadioACTive: April 2, 2020

Day 4 of KRCL's Changing the Narrative Stay-Home-A-Thon on RadioACTive, featuring Live Music by Barefoot John Whipple and Erin Stout, Dr. Dave of #TheRadicalMiddle, The Peoples Energy Movement's Narrative Organizing Project, #WashAwayTheHate, Utah Renters Together


RadioACTive: April 1, 2020

Day 3 of KRCL's Stay-Home-A-Thon on RadioACTive, featuring Community Co-Host Nick Burns, Dr. Dave of #TheRadicalMiddle, The Salt Lake Film Society #AtHome and musician Morgan Snow