Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

1 week to go in the Utah Legislature. And 1 week to Utah caucus night.

RadioACTive talks politics with the League of Women Voters of Utah and the Hinckley Institute of Politics. Bystander Initiative Scholarship. Plus, Momivate's Mothering Convention.


Punk Rock Farmer Friday and true tales of the agrihood.

Homegrown music from Over Under. Eden Streets seeks to relaunch lives through farming. UDAF grants for the growing season. Red Acre Center on #smallag bills. Skywatcher Leo T gets lost in space.


Best of RadioACTive, the Talanoa Way.

Host Stephanie Mahina talks story with Nuanua Collective's Jakey Siolo, then she connects with actor and filmmaker JP Foliaki of Red, White and Brass. Enjoy!


Grist Investigates Land Grant Colleges, including Utah State University.

Data shows these public universities continue to benefit from extractive industries on stolen Indigenous land. Plus, author Cory Doctorow on the worlds of the ultrarich and the for-profit prison system, and a legislative update from Stop the Pollution Ports' Deeda Seed.