Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: February 8, 2021

Tonight's #EverdayPeople edition of RadioACTive explores bills aimed squarely at limiting the rights of transgender people with Equality Utah's Troy Williams. Plus, Utah Pride Center's Rob Moolman and BLM-Utah's Lex Scott on a State School Board Member's criticism of 'Pride Not Prejudice'.


RadioACTive: February 5, 2021

Aldine, KRCL's Punk Rock Farmer, shares true tales from the agrihood with Anna Cash of the Ogden Seed Exchange, Annie Dunaway of Urban Prairie Agriculture, and more of his road trip clips. Many cultures, one sky with SkyWatcher Leo T. #3QuickPicks on the People's Business from League of Women Voters of Utah. Plus, homegrown music from The Vitals and their new EP, Salt City Man.


RadioACTive: February 4, 2021

The ACLU of Utah's Legislative Priorities during the Utah 2021 General Legislative Session, 3 Quick Pics with the League of Women Voters and Dr. Jaffe on Sugar-Free February


RadioACTive: February 3, 2021

The Sundance Film Festival 2021 Wrap Party with the KRCL Coverage Team