Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive: July 31, 2020

Fresh, homegrown music from Utah's own Kate MacLeod, Punk Rock Farmer's #UrbanFarmReport with Localscapes for hot summer months, Melon Monologues for the kids, puncturevine bounty, #makeitpretty on the Weber River, PANDOS preps for Indigenous Day online music fest, Quarteto Nuevo preview.


RadioACTive: July 28, 2020

Report: LEFT OUT -- Adding Up the Cost of Excluding Undocumented Utahns from State and Federal COVID-19 Relief. Community Roundtable with women talking about their military service against the backdrop of nationwide civil unrest. Dreams in the Time of COVID with Alex Caldiero, aka The Wordshaker.


RadioACTive: July 27, 2020

EverydayPeople with Community Co-Host Sue Robbins, who talks about mental health stigma in the LGBTQ+ community. Talia Keys on breaking through writer's block with Hold On, a new song she debuted over the weekend in an impromptu Facebook performance out on the Salt Flats. Public input needed for next 10 years of Jordan River Commission.


RadioACTive: July 24, 2020

#QuarantineCocktails take on Pie-and-Beer Day. Punk Rock Farmer's #UrbanFarmReport covers pest control in the garden with USU Extension. Plus, Sabores de me Patria with Artes de Mexico en Utah and Wasatch Community Gardens, and homegrown music from Sammy Brue.