Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

RadioACTive 01.18.23

HEAL Utah and Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment talk legislative priorities. SLCC The Globe's Jonny Tollestrup reports on the Rally to Save Our Great Salt Lake. Plus, Dr. Morgan Lyon Cotti of Hinckley Institute of Politics and Utah Women Run.


RadioACTive 01.17.23

Roundtable Tuesday talks Little Satchmo with Black, Bold and Brilliant, 'Say Abortion' zine launch with Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah, and the start of sugar-free February challenge with Dr. Mike Jaffe. Plus, Sundance and Ballpark updates.


RadioACTive 01.16.23

Celebrate MLK Jr. Day with community advocate Shawn Newell and a round of Music Meets Activism. Tune in to hear about Shawn's journey and a playlist to match!


RadioACTive 01.13.23

Punk Rock Farmer Friday, with more true tales from the agrihood Aldine, KRCL's Punk Rock Farmer, and Lara. Aldine live from the Utah Farm and Food Conference, Red Butte Garden's Craig England with fruit tree pruning tips, tools and timing, Skywatcher Leo T, RMCR stories from the region, and fresh, homegrown music from Salduro!