Registering Latino Citizens to Vote, Trump's Immigration Policy and the Latino Health Care Gap in Utah
Tonight's show was hosted by Lara Jones and Billy Palmer:
On the RadioActive Report (begins at 05:40):
Real Food Rising’s annual Fall Celebration Fundraiser is just two weeks away, and they need lots of volunteers to help with check-in, serving food and other miscellaneous tasks. Volunteers will work for part of the time and then get to enjoy the rest of the event – including a farm-to-table dinner! Go to Real Food Rising’s Facebook page for more information on how to volunteer.
Tree Utah restoration plantings: These are both restoration plantings which are perfect to invite KRCL listeners who donated trees during Spring Radiothon to come plant the trees they helped make happen.
Sat. Sept 17: Project Oxygen Tree Planting with Mark Miller Subaru at Brighton Resort
Fear Con: Oct. 23-29 at the Salt Palace. Calling all volunteers! We are looking for about 30-40 more volunteers for Fear Con. Volunteers will receive an extra ticket to Fear Con for each day they volunteer, a volunteer shirt and a commemorative mug. If interested please fill out the application online and one of our team members will be in contact with you. Click here for application.
Guests and topics featured on the show (begins at 26:30):
Music featured on the show:
If you have an idea -- guest, topic, something new -- for RadioActive, send an email to or post it to our new Facebook page.