A Week Against Prisons, ACLU Utah, NORML, Utah Prison Education, Wiping Out HIV in Utah, Legislative updates with LOWV and Voices for Utah Children
Tonight's Lineup:
Wiping Out HIV in Utah: After recent news reports that a second person is showing signs of being cured of HIV, we checked in with Dr. Adam Spivak from the Infectious Disease Clinic, UofU Health and Stan Penfold of the Utah Aids Foundation.
Legislative updates from the following groups:
A Week Against Prisons: A week long event consisting of rallies, film screenings, art activism and panel conversations. RadioActive talked with event organizers, Students Against Mass Incarceration (SAMI) and a panel to discuss issues on prison reform. Our panel included:
Douglas Nagie, SAMI
Erin Feeley, University of Utah Prison Education and SAMI
Jason Groth, Smart Justice Coordinator, ACLU Utah
Pedro Padilla-Martinez Intern, ACLU Utah, and founder of NORML
Nubia Pena, Utah Juvenile Defender Attorneys Office
Got a story you'd like to share on the show? Record a voice memo on your smart phone, then email it to radioactive@krcl.org. Keep it under 3 minutes and be sure to include a name and phone number in the message.
RadioACTive is a production of Listeners' Community Radio of Utah. Tonight's team included: