A #PunkRockFarmerSoiree, featuring friends and family reminiscing on 2019, urban farming and live, homegrown music from Psychedelic Purple
Tonight's lineup:
Live, homegrown music from Psychedelic Purple.
Comedian Andy Farnsworth on year-end rituals, comfort foods and bringing Wandering the Aisles into RadioACTive in 2020. Earlier this year, Farnsworth recorded and released Between Haircuts, a rare portrait of this risk-taking, autobiographical comedian in his element.
SkyWatcher Leo T celebrates the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8.
Al's #UrbanFarmReport meets his #PRFSoirée, featuring:
Got a story you'd like to share on the show or an issue you’d like us to cover? Record a voice memo on your smart phone, then email it to radioactive@krcl.org. Keep it under 3 minutes and be sure to include a name and phone number in the message.
Views, thoughts or opinions shared by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff or members of Listeners' Community Radio of Utah, 90.9fm KRCL. Tonight's RadioACTive team included: