Immigration Resources in Utah, U.S.

  • March 3, 2025
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RadioACTive has compiled a list of Immigration and legal services locally and nationally as of Feb. 16, 2025. It is by no means complete. Please email to add or correct a listing.

American Bar Association Federal Immigration Info: Free legal answers on deportation, asylum, green cards, work permits, DACA, children's cases, employment-based immigration, citizenship and other immigration issues.

American Bar Association State Immigration Info (Utah): A virtual legal advice clinic in which qualifying users post civil legal questions at no cost to be answered by pro bono attorneys licensed in their state.

ACLU of Utah: Know your rights when interacting with ICE (printable card in English and Spanish on this page). To submit your case for consideration, click here.

And Justice for All addresses the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized Utahns by providing civil legal aid in cases that impact basic needs and quality of life. 

BYU Community Legal Clinic: Assistance is available in English & Spanish. The Clinic provides free legal services to those in need. Contact Information: BYU Office of Belonging, Wilkinson Center #2400, 1060 E. Campus Dr., Provo, UT 84604. Thursdays from 5-7PM MST (Closed holidays). Email: Phone: 801-297-7049.

Catholic Community Services works with immigrants and refugees — but works with anyone and everyone, including current residents. 

Centro de la Familia en Utah offers affordable Head Start programs around the state but is currently working closely with school districts around the state to help address questions/concerns of families regarding citizenship. 

Comunidades Unidas, a nonprofit organization recognized by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide low-cost representation for various immigration processes. The clinic offers a range of services and support for those looking to apply, renew, or update their immigration status. Click here to learn more about DOJ recognition or to find an organization near you that is accredited. For more information about our immigration clinic services please contact or call us at 801-487-4143. Open Monday-Thursday from 8AM-6PM MST.

Immigration Advocates Network (IAN)

Immigrant Legal Services provides legal services to disadvantaged individuals and families in Utah. 

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) provides legal training, educational material and policy advocacy in immigration law.

Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake offers legal assistance in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County for family law cases and victims of domestic violence.

National Immigration Law Center (NILC), one of the leading advocacy organizations in the U.S. dedicated to advancing and defending the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants and their loved ones. 

Refugee Justice League, a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded to promote and defend the Constitutional rights of all refugees in the United States of America.

Utah Immigration Collaborative (UIC), a network of nonprofit organizations that provide immigrant legal services to community members in Utah. 

  • UIC Referral Line: 801-382-9027. Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 9AM – 5PM. Services are available in English, Spanish and telephonic translation for other languages. Please notify the referral line specialist of your language needs and you will be connected with an interpreter.

  • UIC Pro Bono Legal Service and Volunteer Training: Provides resources on demand, self-study units for volunteers to learn more about immigration and asylum law. These units will help volunteers understand what is required to take on a pro bono case.

Utah Legal Services (ULS), a nonprofit law office incorporated in 1976 committed to making equal justice a reality by providing free legal help in  Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo and St. George. Specialized units also serve groups with special legal needs including farm workers, American Indians and Senior Citizens. Utah has over 360,000 persons eligible for legal help from ULS.

U.S. ICE Online Detainee Locator System. Use this page to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody or who has been in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s custody for more than 48 hours. Online Detainee Locator System cannot search for records of persons under the age of 18.
