WEU: The Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Act

  • September 11, 2016
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by John Worlock, Member of the Board of Directors of Save Our Canyons


            Save Our Canyons, since its founding four decades ago, has been dedicated to the health and welfare of the nearby Wasatch Canyons, sometimes known as the Tri-canyon Area and sometimes as the Central Wasatch.  Here is our statement of commitment:  “Dedicated to protecting the wildness and the beauty of the Wasatch Mountains, canyons and foothills.”  It’s even stronger now than it was at our founding.

            This dedication has recently come to fruition.  We have been vocal leaders in the multi-voice, multi-year collaboration called Mountain Accord, which has culminated in the legislation introduced this summer in congress.  Its name, while long and clumsy, is descriptive.  It is the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Act.

            We are justly proud of this legislation, as we have fought long and hard to guide the multi-faceted collaboration known as the Mountain Accord to a successful conclusion.

            We are pleased that Utah’s 3rd District Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, has recognized the uniqueness of the Mountain Accord collaboration, and introduced into Congress its progeny, the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Act.  Other members of the Utah Congressional Delegation are in accord, and Rob Bishop, the powerful chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources, has even agreed to hear early testimony on this bill.  That’s all very exciting, but it will have to move quickly to achieve passage before the end of the current congressional session.

            So that’s where you are important.  You can help with your letters and phone calls to your congress-persons, or by signing the petition that you can find on Save Our Canyons’ website.

            We can help you to understand the importance of this bill by quoting, of all people, Congressman Chaffetz.  Quote: “I’m pleased that so many parties with such varied agendas could come together in agreement on a way forward for our beloved Wasatch Mountains. This bill will guide our growth and preservation efforts for decades to come.”

            For more ammunition to help you campaign for passage of this important legislation, we recommend the website of utah outside dot com and of course our own save our canyons dot org.

            Become part of the push toward passage!